Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hebron: Cool Trip, Cold Dip

So unfortunately, this will be our last turn to blog on our trip to the Holy Land. But dry that tear from your eye and enjoy the rest of the story...

Yesterday we went to the West Bank city of Hebron. It is a relatively large city, where some very important biblical sites are located. We first went to the tomb of the Patriarchs, viewing the resting place of Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Leah, Isaac, and Rebekkah, and Michael Jackson... Well, we aren't sure about the last one.

The Bible tells us that Abraham was buried at Hebron by both of his sons, Isaac and Ishmael, so the Jews believe that Ishmael is buried there as well. According to the Jewish custom, the sons would be buried with their father and his family. It was extremely powerful to be at the place where the forefathers of our faith were buried so long ago. What an experience! Rachel was the only one missing, being that she died in childbirth, and Jacob buried her near Bethlehem.

Afterward, the group journeyed to a nice little pizza parlor to get lunch. It was delicious... and hot.

Then we ventured to a Muslim graveyard, but we weren't interested in the headstones. Rather, there is something special about that graveyard, for in the middle there lies a spring... Abraham's Spring, frequented by the biggest biblical celebs including Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joshua, Caleb, and David.

What an opportunity it was to walk down the ancient stone stairway and jump into the spring... the coldest spring you have ever felt... We mean THE COLDEST... NEEDLES POKING YOU COLDEST...

After the the whole team got a chance to dip, we had a time of prayer and worship with Karen, the pastor from Living Bread. We were joined by some Palestinian salesmen who liked our music and wanted us to buy stuff. It was great, and God used the situation to introduce them to His presence through prayer, worship, and fellowship.

It was Shabbat again, and Hebron is actually an extremely important city to both Jews and Muslims, due to the tombs there. Many Jews arrive each Sabbath, literally walking down the highway, to pay their respects to these important leaders of the Bible.

We then went home and enjoyed the rest of the evening by relaxing with each other. Some got a little more shopping in while others went for ice cream, while still others visited places in the city of significance to them. It was a great afternoon of rest and favor in the Lord. After dinner, we worshipped, prayed, played cards, and fellowshipped.

We are so blessed to have had this opportunity, to be called to the Promised Land for even a short time. The Lord has done so much, and we are confident that He is not yet done with us. We look forward to experiencing even more of the Lord's love and blessing in the last few days of our trip.

We love you guys and can't wait to tell you all about it!!!

-Coleman and Jennie


  1. thank you so much for all that you are sharing. It is as though we are sharing in the experience with you.

  2. Bellz- Mom wanted me to tell you that she is glad the trip is almost over because she misses you very much. We all love you and can't wait to see you!

  3. What a blessing you all have been to me through sharing your experiences. God id soooo Good! Caris- I miss you and love you with all my heart.I'm so grateful that Jesus will be your "family" to welcome you home, but you better call me ASAP and share until your heart is fulfilled. It's hard to wait for something so amazing!Be blessed in the arms of Jesus all the way home. Prayers and blessings on the whole group and the journey home.

  4. I can't wait to catch up with you guys in the fall!
